Muyiwa Akintunde, Journalist and communication consultant has advised that Nigerians who have rolled out red carpets and drums to celebrate the nation’s golden jubilee should instead be in sober mood and reflect on the parlous state of the nation. He said the nation has not in any way justified the great promises and expectation at independence given the abundant resources at her disposal.
Akintunde was born few days to Nigeria’s independence but lives in contrast with the nation. While he is still on the path of fulfillment the same can’t be said of Nigeria with the quantum of resources at her disposal and he advises that while the leadership should be held responsible for the nation’s woes, the followers wont be spared.
How do you feel sharing the same birth period with Nigeria?
It’s a mixed feeling really. When the country is celebrating I also celebrate in a way and that makes it quite significant but when you look back at what Nigeria should have achieved in terms of its great potentials, you feel not too excited and too happy because people make references to you and references to the country. By now I think Nigeria should have been able to achieve quite a lot more if we had the right leadership all these years.
Story By Vincent Ukpong Kalu
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